Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do you women really think that Good men will always be there?

All good men are getting sick of the bs,they are either changing into this so called bad boy that you women seem to love or have stopped dating all together and soon there will truly be no good men in the you can let so called bad boys come on here and gas your head up all you want to,calling good men weak or what ever but they wouldn't dare go up to one and try to start you women really think good men will just sit around and wait of you to go through this so called phase?What makes you ladies think that a good man doesn't have a backbone?what brain dead fool came up with that bs,that is the biggest bunch of bull I have ever heard,what makes you think that? sounds to me like women are just making excuses.oh nice guys are weak and won't fight,they well let people walk all over them,that's the biggest bunch of bs I've ever heard!.I go out just wishing some so called bad boy tries me,I'll show you just how overrated you so called bad boys really someone said before you call good men followers,who's really doing the following?The good man who's himself and does what a real man is supposed to or your beloved bad boy who's just doing what the media tells him?Do you really wish nice guys didn't exist? If that is how you think I've got news for you,your going to get it.all this bs about oh we want you after we are done having fun,so we are suppose sit and wait on you to get tired of being used,not going to's a friendly warning,you have no idea of the damage your doing,soon and very soon there will be none left and you well have gotten your may think it's funny now but you won't be laughing when it happens!It's a damn shame you women are so use to losing you don't realize when you've won!what If every good guy in the world really vanished,then all you would have is your so called bad know how you say that when you get ready to settle down you go after the good guy,well what if you couldn't,what if all the good guys vanished, what would you ladies do then? I wanna know,I mean I see alot of question saying where are all the nice guys or why are all the nice guys turning into jerks,what do you women care isn't this what you want?

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